Kitchen Witch, Two Headed Dog, Filthy Lucre

Well, we were certainly not going to miss the launch of Kitchen Witch‘s EP, Trouble. True to form, this turned out to be a huge show! We obtained ourselves a copy of the record and can certainly recommend you do as well

Supporting them on the night was Melbourne trio, Two Headed Dog, and local Adelaide duo, Filthy Lucre.

Kitchen Witch

Kitchen Witch at the Crown and Anchor Hotel 31/7/2015, with Filthy Lucre and Two Headed Dog.

Two Headed Dog

Two Headed Dog at the Crown and Anchor Hotel 31/7/2015, with Filthy Lucre and Kitchen Witch.

Filthy Lucre

Filthy Lucre at the Crown and Anchor Hotel 31/7/2015, with Two Headed Dog and Kitchen Witch.