Friday's Fox / Fridays Fox / FridaysFox Athletic Teenage Joggers Poster

Athletic Teenage Joggers EP Launch

Saturday 28th February
The Grace Emily Hotel
Athletic Teenage Joggers EP Launch
Kitchen Witch
Friday’s Fox

At the end of this month we will be helping our friends Athletic Teenage Joggers launch their debut EP entitled Hello Demons. This is currently getting some pre-launch airplay on Three D Radio, but if you haven’t managed to hear any of it yet then let us assure you it has been worth the wait.

Also accompanying us will be Kitchen Witch, who are currently recovering from their massive show supporting Tex Perkins’ The Ape last Saturday night.

If that’s not enough, this will also be the first public show with our new keyboard player!

This is a free entry gig, so you can spend the money on buying the CD, right?

Friday's Fox / Fridays Fox / FridaysFox Athletic Teenage Joggers Poster

Welcome to Electric Alan on Keys

Keyboard keys

Has it seemed quiet lately? We can assure you there has been a distinct lack of quiet in our rehearsal space as we’ve been busy jamming with a(nother?) very talented musician. Yes, the rumours you probably haven’t heard are true — Friday’s Fox is now a five-piece. So, it is with great pleasure that we can announce the addition of Electric Alan to our foxy family!

The keyboard is Alan’s weapon of choice, and we can’t wait to show you all the funky funkyness he brings to the table. Perhaps we will even announce our next gig soon…

Welcome, brother fox!

Demo Track Release – Dark City Shame

Friday's Fox / Fridays Fox / Fridaysfox Demo Mixing ConsoleThis is the second track of our demo release for Friday’s Fox entitled “Dark City Shame”. Enjoy!

Friday’s Fox – Demo – Dark City Shame (mp3 ogg flac)

Demo by Friday’s Fox recorded at Studio Finetime by Patrick Tapping and Conor Kinsella on 20/9/2014 and is free to distribute under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Demo Track Release – Night Hunter

Friday's Fox / Fridays Fox / Fridaysfox Demo Mixing ConsoleThis is the initial demo release for Friday’s Fox entitled “Night Hunter”. We hope you enjoy it! Further tracks will be released in the near future.

Friday’s Fox – Demo – Night Hunter (mp3 ogg flac)

Demo by Friday’s Fox recorded at Studio Finetime by Patrick Tapping and Conor Kinsella on 20/9/2014 and is free to distribute under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Mailing List

Mailing List

We were talking to some friends on the weekend, and telling them about our debut show coming up in November, when some of them mentioned they don’t actually use any of the new–fangled social media stuff. After promptly doing our duty as members of Team Australia and reporting them to the authorities, we sent them some information by email.

If you would also like to receive the latest news and gig dates directly to your inbox, you now can with our new mailing list — the latest in 20th century technology! The sign up form is below.

Sign up to our mailing list:

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You will need to confirm your email address by following a link that will be sent to you.

Our privacy policy is simple: This information will only be used to notify you of Friday’s Fox related news!